Social Media Type Quiz

Social Media Type Quiz


with Others for Support and Encouragment s

AKA The Squad!

How Uffda Academy was born. Tammey and Sue were friends for years and began to meet for weekly coffee simply to offer each other support, friendship and encouragement. 

One morning Sue shared that she had a task that needed to get done for one of her clients, but it felt overwhelming. After discussing the task and realzing that although Sue could easily accomplish it, Tammey offered to simply do the task for her. DONE! It was such a relief to Sue! 

A few months later, back at their weekly board meeting (coffee date), Tammey shared she had an impossible task that she could easily do, yet simply couldn’t seem to get it done.  Sue took it on to help her friend out and it was DONE!

Not long after they met for a whole day of brainstorming and working – just a day to get out of the city and get stuff done. On the way back into town they were sharing how amazing it was to have someone there that understood the difficulties of being a solopreneur and being able to talk through and brainstorm solutions. Uffda Academy was born on that gorgeous summer day in 2022!

Sue and Tammey take a quick selfie during their weekly board meeting at Red River Coffee in Fargo, ND

Sue and Tammey grab a quick selfie at Red River Coffee during one of their weekly board meetings.

As Sue and Tammey have shared in-person workshops in the Fargo/Moorhead area, it has become apparent that people are really looking for a community to connect and find support.  

So the Impossible Task Squad was created summer of 2023!! Currently, it’s just a Facebook group and soon there will be an in-person networking group as well. The intention of this group is to offer challenges, support, tips/tools, and a chance to network and connect with others that are looking for and are willing to offer support. 

Be sure to sign up below to get updates on the Re-Kindle Your Passion Challenge!

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